Flood Relief Work at Kenley Croydon

Due to the unprecedented rain fall in the months of December 2013, January and February 2014, which lead to the River Caterham Bourne being unable to cope with the huge increase in volume of water. Thousands of Croydon homes and businesses where placed at serious risk...

Concrete Repairs

Client: Kier Highways Breakout and repair to highway parapel wallsDiamond drilling into structural concrete to form openings

A2 & A102 Blackwall Tunnel

A2 & A102 Blackwall Tunnel Approach Roads Structural Concrete Repair Client: Kier Highways Pressure injection crack repairs to structural concrete wallsInsertion of Anodes and repairs to delapidated reinforced concrete wallsBreakout and upgrade highway kerb...

Regular Maintenance at Blackwall & Eltham Tunnels

Client: Kier Highways Dyneema Ltd carry out regular maintenance cleaning schedules of works at Blackwall and Eltham Tunnels. Repairs to structural concrete defects under planned closures on the approaches to the Blackwall & Eltham Tunnel.

Reconstruction of Woodham Lane Roundabout – Addlestone

Client: Kier Highways Dyneema Ltd carry out repairs and reconstruction works under the Surrey Network maintenance contract operated by Kier Highways. The roundabout was badly damaged by a road traffic incident and Dyneema Ltd attended site and reconstructed the...