Flood Relief Work at Kenley Croydon


Due to the unprecedented rain fall in the months of December 2013, January and February 2014, which lead to the River Caterham Bourne being unable to cope with the huge increase in volume of water. Thousands of Croydon homes and businesses where placed at serious risk of flooding. The situation reached critical, and the emergency services declared a gold status alert. This was given to ensure all required resources could be utilized to control the flooding.

(Tfl’s Highways LOHAC Contractor and their supply chain partners worked closely with the London Borough of Croydon, to work around the clock to prevent the further areas being affected by the flooding.

Dyneema Ltd where key to the success in controlling the flood, they provided resources day and night to assist in filling and delivering sandbags to residents and businesses in need over the Croydon Borough, as well as managing the temporary flood relief pumps to over-pump the area identified at highest risk of flooding for the 10-week period.

Several other agencies were also part of the relief, these included the Environment Agency, the London Fire Brigade, Metropolitan Police and the Armed forces.

All partners and agencies worked as one to ensure the flooding didn’t spread and affect a wider area.


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December 7, 2022